Sunday, September 14, 2008

I love this place!

This weekend has been a perfect example of why I love this place! We have had 54 hurricane evacuees at our church since Thursday. They are all from the Houston area. I have watched as our entire community has come together to take care of these kind people who are displaced for who knows how long. We have more food at church than anyone could imagine. We have had people around the clock staying at church to clean, feed, and just care for the visitors. People have come by the church with homemade food, towels, blankets, games and books, toilet paper, you name it. Several of the evacuees stayed in Hamilton three years ago during hurricane Rita. They came back. They headed straight for Hamilton because in their words, "Here we are treated like real people." This community is the body of Christ and I love being a part of this body! The people are good and kind and loving, they are sacrificial and accepting of all, they are family. I am proud and honored to be a part of this community.


Shelley said...

AMEN! It has been a great weekend of service!

Betsy said...

It is amazing to me the love and cooperation that can happen when people put aside themselves and just serve the Lord!